tattoo process

3700 W. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103


  • Express to your artist exactly what your ideal placement and size of your new tattoo will be.
  • You’ll want them to understand what your concept means to you, where you want it and consider their advice and expertise from a tattoo artist's point of view.
  • Some artists prefer a consultation prior to your appointment, some projects require a lot more thought, research and drawing time to prepare.
  • This process will be greatly appreciated by your artist, this how they plan the rest of their day and also how they all make their living. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this exciting process.


Here are a few things to know when preparing for your tattoo appointment.

  • Eat a good meal for body strength and endurance.
  • Excess Alcohol is not recommended prior to getting your tattoo.
  • No aspirin the day of your appointment. (Blood thinners will cause more bleeding during your tattoo session).
  • Taking an Ibuprofen helps keep swelling minimal during long tattoo sessions.
  • Don’t worry about shaving your tattoo area beforehand, the artist will take care of that at the time of your season.
  • Drink water and hydrate your body/skin for best healing results. (Vitamin K) and/or a banana for extra potassium is extremely helpful.


  • It’s extremely important to relax your body at this time. It is difficult for the artist to do their best job on a moving canvas. If you need a break, please let the artist know right away, they are professional and will take good care of you.
  • All our artists are trained in Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and bloodborne pathogens for your safety.
  • If you become lightheaded or dizziness occurs, it’s usually from low blood sugar, due to improper eating beforehand. It’s not unusual. A piece of hard candy will help bring your blood sugar levels back to normal along with staying hydrated.



Tattoo aftercare is extremely crucial, you want to be sure you’re following all the instructions that are given to you by your tattoo artist. You’ll want to make sure you are taking especially good care of the tattoo while it’s still in its healing stage. If you ever have any questions regarding the healing process of your tattoos, you are always welcome to reach out to us directly, so that we can assist you with any questions you may have. Let’s go over a few ways to protect your tattoo after the healing process to ensure it is always looking amazing!

First things first, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Not only is water good for your body, but it keeps your skin “canvas” nice and healthy.

Second, be sure to protect your tattoos with sunscreen! Sunscreen is vital for healthy skin, but for tattoos it serves an equally important purpose of keeping your ink from fading in the sun. The more exposure to the sun your tattoo receives, the faster your tattoo will fade. Lighter ink will fade faster than darker ink and even though black, dark blue and purple hues may not fade as quickly, they are still compromised by the sun’s rays.

Lastly, let’s be sure to keep those tattoos moisturized! Dry skin can change the overall appearance of your tattoo, keeping your skin moisturized is the best thing you can do to keep them fresh for a lifetime. Also, avoid using any lotions with additives and fragrances in them, these products will typically dry out your skin.

For additional questions or concerns please contact the shop directly (702) 221- 2543.